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by fOotLoOse
/Server : Port
Command to connect your client to a server. Optionally, you can
specify a port number you wish to connect to on that server.
USAGE: /Server [server.name | server.ip] port
Example :/Server IRC.DAL.net
Example :/Server Liberty.dal.net:7000
Example :/Server 7000
Command to Join a Channel.
USAGE: /JOIN channel,channel channel key
Example : /join #channel
Example : /join #channel1,#channel2,#channel3
Example : /join #Channel [key|password]
NOTE: Joining channel 0 causes the server to part you from all channels.
Channel zero used to refer to the status window of the client.
Example : /join #0,0 (or)/join 0,#channel
Command to make your client leave a channel or channels with an
optional parting message.
USAGE: /PART channel,channel part message
Example : /part #channel
Example : /part #channel Bye See you later.
Example : /part #channel,#ChannelA,#ChannelB,#ChannelC
Command to reveal the nicknames of all nicks in the specified channel
who are not on the mode invisible (+i).
Multiple targets in the /names command are not allowed.
USAGE: /Names #channel
Command to list the channels on the network. Option can be appended
to the /list command to limit its search. If you don't include any options,
the default is to send you the entire unfiltered list of channels. If a
listing is in progress, a second /list command with no parameters after
the listing has started will halt the listing. Below are the options you
can use, and what channels LIST will return when you use them.
USAGE: /List Option
EXAMPLE: /LIST lists all channels.
EXAMPLE: /LIST >300 lists channels with more than 300 nicks in them.
EXAMPLE: /LIST >50 lists channels with less than 50 nicks in them.
EXAMPLE: /LIST *mirc* lists channels with the word "mirc" in them.
EXAMPLE: /LIST >9,<101 *mirc* lists channels with 10-100 nicks and
with the word "mirc" in the channel name or topic.
Option |
Usage |
>number |
List channels with more than number people. |
<number |
List channels with less than number people. |
C>number |
List channels created between now and number minutes ago.
C<number |
List channels created earlier than number minutes ago.
T>number |
List channels whose topics are older than number minutes
(unchanged in the last number minutes.) |
T<number |
List channels whose topics are not older than number
minutes. |
*mask* |
List channels that match *mask* |
!*mask* |
List channels that do not match *mask* |
USAGE: /Who [[+|-][acghmnsu] [args]
Searchs for users who are not invisible (+i) [unless you are using +c]
based on the criteria specified. The basic form of the information returned
is how you remember what you can check against. The following options
are in logical order across the /WHO Reply line, rather than in
alphabetical order by mode.
Flags |
Arguments |
Wildcards? |
+c |
channel |
No |
+n |
nick |
Yes |
+a |
away |
No |
+m |
modes |
No |
+u |
userid (ident) |
Yes |
+h |
host (IP) |
Yes |
+s |
server |
No |
+g |
GCOS ("Real name") |
Yes (Oper only) |
EXAMPLE: /WHO +n John* searches for all nicks starting with John plus any
additional characters after that.
EXAMPLE: /WHO +u CoolmIRC searches for all users of the CoolmIRC script.
EXAMPLE: /WHO +ch #FunFactory *.aol.com searches #FunFactory for all AOL users.
DCC - Direct Client-to-Client connection
/DCC Chat [Nick|IP]
Command to connect your client to another client directly for
sending text back and forth. This is used much like normal chat,
except it will stay connected regardless of Ping timeouts or connections
being reset by peer. If the client gets disconnected from their ISP
the connection will drop and has to redial in.
/DCC Send Nick file.ext
EXAMPLE: /DCC Send Nickname mypic.jpg
/DCC [Get|Receive]
This allows you to receive files from people all over the world.
CTCP - Client To Client Protocol
/CTCP [Nick | #Channel] PING
To Check the difference is the time it took for a message to travel to the
receiving client and back.
/CTCP [Nick | Channel] VERSION
Command to check the version of software your target is using.
/AWAY [away message]
Leave a message explaining that you are not currently paying attention to
IRC. Whenever someone sends you a MSG or does a WHOIS on you, they
automatically see whatever message you set. Using AWAY with
no parameters marks you as no longer being away.
Example: /away On the Phone!
/TOPIC #channel newtopic
Changes the topic for the channel.
/ME message
Tells the current channel or query about what you are doing.
/AME message
Post an Action Message to all the Channel you are currently in.
/MSG nickname message
Send a private message to this user without opening a query window.
/AMSG message
Send a message to all the Channel you are currently in.
/QUERY nickname message
Open a query window to this user and send them a private message.
/WHOIS nickname
Shows information about someone.
/NICK nickname
Changes your nickname to a new nickname.
/QUIT [reason]
This will disconnect you from IRC and will give the optional message
as the reason for your departure. (this message only appears to people
who are on the same channels as you).