Nick Modes.
                                                 by fOotLoOse

o - Global Server Operator 

    [Oper only] In addition to the things listed below that a local operator
    can do, a global operator's scope includes the rest of the network. A global 
    operator can do remote squits and connects or kill users on another server. 
    They can also send global notices (/notice $* message). 

O - Local Server Operator 
    [Oper only] Like the Global operator above, this command endows the oper with 
    server operator abilities. Specifically, being +O allows a local operator to: 
    /rehash the server, do local kills, send GlobOps/WallOps/LocOps/ChatOps, do local 
    squits and connects, set or unset local klines (temp), send local server notices 
    (/notice $servername message), and see flood notices. 

i - Invisible

    This mode allows a nick to hide from a /WHO or a /NAMES command. It also moves
    the nick from the visible users count to the invisible users count in the 
    /LUSERS command.You can still be found if the user knows your nick. 

w - Receive WallOps 

    This mode allows an oper to receive *** WallOps messages from other opers. 
    This is not used much on DALnet, mainly because it is an unsecure communication
    medium. WallOps are like ChatOps except that normal users who are +w can view them. 

s - Receive Server Notices 

    This mode allows a user to receive non-specific messages from the server. 
    This mode is settable by all users. 

c - Receive Client Connection/Exit Notices 

    [Oper only] This mode allows an oper to receive "*** Notice -- Client connecting 
    (or exiting)" messages from the server. 

r - Registered nick 

    This mode is set by NickServ on a nick. It indicates that the nick is registered 
    with NickServ. 

k - Receive Server Kill Notices 

    This mode allows an oper to receive "*** Notice -- Killed" messages from the server.
    This mode is settable by all users. 

f - Receive Server Flood Notice 

    [Oper Only] This mode allows an oper to receive "*** Notice -- Flood" messages 
    from the server. 

y - Receive Stats/Links Request Notices 

    [Oper only] This mode allows opers to view requests for Stats information or 
    Links information. Repeated attempts by the same user could indicate either 
    a curious user or a malicious one planning mischief. 

d - Receive Debug Information Notices

    [Oper only] This mode allows troubleshooters to view debugging information messages 
    sent out from the server online without having to go to the System Error Log 
    (or the file they defined for it). 

a - Services Administrator 
    [Oper only] This mode allows the use of the SAMode command and puts a tag in the 
    oper's /WHOIS reply " - Services Administrator". 

A - Server Administrator
    [Oper only] This mode is only set by the Administrator of the server 
    (or perhaps his Co-Administrator in his absence). It also puts a tag in the
    oper's /WHOIS reply " - Server Administrator". This automatically sets +a 
    (handy if services goes away for some reason).
b - Receive ChatOps 
    [Oper only] Like GlobOps, this is a network-wide means for opers to communicate
    with each other, though this means is less formal than GlobOps. It's used, like
    the name implies, to chat informally. Extended chat, however, should be taken to 
    a channel so as not to flood everyone set +b with chat. 

g - Receive GlobOps

    [Oper Only] Although normal users can set +g, they will not receive any GlobOps. 
    GlobOps are a network-wide means for opers to communicate with each other; the server
    itself sometimes sends them as well. These are normally used to send requests for
    help from other opers or status messages
    (such as before squitting a server to reroute it). 

n - Receive Routing Notices 

    [Oper Only] This mode allows an oper to receive "*** Routing -- from"
    messages from the server. 

h - Helper 
    [Oper Only] Allows an oper to hide themselves from a /stats p command. 

m - Receive SpamBot Notices

    [Oper Only] This mode allows an oper to receive "*** Notice of a SpamBot.
R - Routing Team member

    [Oper Only] Allows opers who have an S oper flag in their O:line to view 
    IP addresses using /stats c. 

e - Receive Virus File Send Notices 

    [Oper Only] Shows opers who are +e a notice of files successfully blocked at 
    the server. This is to make it easy to see who is trying to send out virus or 
    other harmful file types. 


NOTE: These modes are all changed using the /mode nick mode change(s).
      The current nick mode settings can be retrieved by omitting the modes 
      parameter completely. 

NOTE: Also, normal users can only use modes i, w, s, k, and g (although g will 
      not show anything if you are not an oper, you can still set the mode). 
      The rest of the modes are oper-only (used only by IRCops).